Friday, June 30, 2017

End of June

I didn't win the sword at fencing because I was in the harder division. Maybe in the fall.

My favorite thing at VBS was water day. That was Friday.

I played with a friend yesterday. We played in the water in their small pool, then with her dad's Legos, then we started to play house but couldn't because that was right when my mom walked in.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Beginning of summer

Natali's friend Kiara came. We went to tamarack nature center, played at lots of playgrounds, went to the children's museum and punch pizza. At punch pizza they said you had to wear your uniform to get the military discount. We also did conquer Ninja warrior and made a play.

Then I played in church. I played ode to Joy and when the saints go marching in.

Then I went to Oma and Opa's. I did VBS. The theme was A Might Fortress. I also went to Safari Island. On the weekend both my uncles were there and my mom and dad and sister.

This week is VBS at our church, gadgets and gizmos. In the afternoon I'm doing fencing camp.