Saturday, January 11, 2020

The epiphany fest

On Friday we had the epiphany fest. Dr. Burkhart is the owner of it. It happened at our school/church. we just sang. Unlike last year, I (thankfully) did not have a speaking part.

Monday, November 4, 2019


1.) MAKE A WORLD MAP FIRST. Then you know where in the country you are.
2.) THEN MAKE A ______ (IN MY CASE NORTHERN) HEMISPHERE MAP. Then you know where in the hemisphere you are.
3.) THEN KEEP GOING DOWN IN DETAILS. Make it political and satellite map kind.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

how to be perfenct from the beggining of the day to the end


1.) If you are in school, wake up early
but not too early, you still want 6-8 hours of sleep
2.) Make your bed
3.) Eat a HEALFUL breakfast
4.) Get ready for work\ school
5.) Don't be late.


  1. don't fidget
  2. participate
  3.   listen
  1. eat a HEALFUL meal\ dinner
  2. workout
  3. shower
  4. study
  5. eat a snack
  6. drink water
  7. sleep

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

how to make a cheap zombie hunter halloween coustume

piece 1. ninja star
1. cut a piece of paper and cut it to look like a ninja star.
2. get a sponge paintbrush and dab grey paint on it.
3. then dab the grey acrylic paint on the pice of paper.
4. mix nutmeg brown acrylic paint and bright yellow acrylic paint.
5. dab the sponge brush in the now golden color.
6. in random areas, but not all over, dab that golden color

piece 2. vest/shirt

  1. take a dark green shirt/vest and dab the golden color onto it with the sponge brush 
  2. next, take the nutmeg brown and dab some on with the sponge brush 
piece 3. ax (optional)

  1. add flag red acrylic paint and black acrylic paint.
  2. take the sponge brush and dap the blood-red color on the tip of the blade in the ax
piece 4.bag
  1. take a paper target bag and paint it brown.
  2. tape a clear container on the side.
  3. put some flag red acrylic paint and some black acrylic paint and mix them together in the container.
if you want to you can make it look like there are zombie guts on there.

Friday, August 16, 2019

how to be the best at school.

On Monday I will be starting school again. Here is how to start great and be the best.
1. Be prepared
Especially on the first day of school, kids aren't prepared, be the best and be prepared every day. Pack your lunch the night before and put it in the fridge, pack your bag too.
2. Homework
Do your homework as soon as possible but don't rush it.
3. Extra
Try and get into 1 or 2 extra sports and join a club/volunteer.
4. Friends
Make friends with the teacher and with kids smarter than you/equally smart/slightly less smart. 
5. Don't...
procrastinate, pull all-nighters,  get a b- or below(otherwise, you will definitely not be the best at that time).

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Once when I was at my friend's house and we did a play about ancient Egyptians. We walked through a fortress earlier too. then we found a strange object in the woods. We were building a stick forest fort there.